A man working at JAYPEE Company in Domala Penta village of Amrabad mandal in Nagarkurnool district was attacked by a bear at night. The bear injured the man, named Shatrujna Lal, who works as an electrical winder at JP Company in Domalapenta village. The incident occurred around 9:30 pm on Friday night, according to Domalapenta Forest Field Officer Guru Prasad.
The injured man received treatment at the dispensary hospital of JAYPEE Company and was then transferred to Sunnipenta Medical Center in Andhra Pradesh for further treatment. He is currently improving under the care of doctors. The bear was chased back into the forest by other employees of the company.
Overall, the man is recovering well from the bear attack and is receiving proper medical care. The incident took place late at night while the man was working at JAYPEE Company in Domala Penta village. The bear injured him, but he is now in stable condition and getting better with treatment.