Nizamabad Collector Rajiv Gandhi Hanumathu is taking steps to prevent seasonal diseases in the district as the monsoon arrives. He led a meeting on controlling insect-borne diseases at the district level on Monday. During the meeting, Hanumathu emphasized the importance of chlorinating drinking water sources in every Gram Panchayat, fixing pipes and leaks, and ensuring clean water supply. He also urged the Health department to work closely with other departments to coordinate efforts. Precautions to stop the spread of chikungunya were also discussed.
Hanumathu directed officials to be proactive in combating seasonal diseases that may arise with the onset of the monsoon. It is important to ensure that clean drinking water sources are properly maintained by chlorinating them, fixing any leaks or pipes, and providing clean water for the residents in every Gram Panchayat. The Health department was advised to work together with other departments to effectively coordinate efforts. Preventative measures to stop the spread of chikungunya in the district were also highlighted during the meeting.
The district-level coordination committee meeting chaired by Collector Rajiv Gandhi Hanumathu focused on controlling insect-borne diseases in Nizamabad. Officials were instructed to take necessary precautions to prevent the outbreak of diseases during the monsoon season. It was emphasized that clean water sources in every Gram Panchayat should be chlorinated, pipes and leaks repaired, and clean water supplied to residents. The Health department was urged to collaborate with other departments to ensure effective coordination in disease prevention efforts. Measures to prevent the spread of chikungunya were also discussed and prioritized during the meeting.