Joint Karimnagar District Deputy Transport Commissioner Mamindla Chandrashekar Goud recently met with RV Karnan IAS, the former District Collector of Karimnagar who has been transferred to Nalgonda district. Chandrashekar Goud also visited Priyanka Karnan, who has been transferred as Additional Collector of Suryapet. The meeting took place at the Karimnagar Collector Camp office on Sunday.
During the meeting, Chandrashekar Goud commended RV Karnan for effectively implementing the Dalit Bandhu scheme, which is considered one of the most ambitious schemes in the country. He mentioned that various departments have worked together under RV Karnan’s leadership to ensure the timely establishment of Dalit Bandhu units. The continuous monitoring and coordination efforts of the officials have played a significant role in the successful implementation of the scheme.