Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has expressed deep sorrow over the passing of renowned artist, art curator, and Padma Shri awardee Jagdish Mittal. In his message, the Chief Minister paid tribute to Mittal’s immense contributions to Indian art and heritage.
The Chief Minister emphasized that Jagdish Mittal’s dedication to preserving and promoting Indian art is unmatched. “His work will remain a treasure for generations of artists, art enthusiasts, and historians,” he remarked.
Revanth Reddy also praised the Jagdish and Kamla Mittal Museum of Indian Art, located in Hyderabad. He highlighted that the museum stands as a symbol of inspiration, showcasing India’s rich artistic traditions and playing a key role in preserving cultural heritage.
Extending his condolences, the Chief Minister expressed his sympathies to Mittal’s family and loved ones. He also prayed for peace to the departed soul and strength for those mourning this loss.
Jagdish Mittal’s passing is seen as the end of an era in Indian art. However, his legacy continues to inspire and will remain a guiding light for future generations.