Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has pledged to protect the Indian Constitution and joined forces with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in this mission. Sharing his views, Revanth Reddy declared, “This is a battle between those who want to defend the Constitution and those who wish to ignore it.”
The Chief Minister strongly criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of attempting to modify the Constitution since taking office. “Ever since Modi became Prime Minister, there have been continuous efforts to amend the Constitution. However, these attempts have not been successful,” Revanth Reddy asserted.
He highlighted the need for unity to safeguard the democratic principles of the nation. Revanth Reddy urged all individuals who value constitutional ideals to stand firm and oppose any actions that might undermine them.
The Chief Minister’s remarks are being viewed as a call for citizens to stay vigilant and protect the essence of India’s democracy from potential threats.