Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has announced a significant decision to ensure better financial stability for employees working in village panchayats across the state. He directed officials to pay their salaries on a monthly basis, similar to how government employees are paid. This decision will benefit 92,351 employees and require an allocation of ₹116 crore per month.
During a high-level meeting with ministers and senior officials, the Chief Minister highlighted the importance of implementing this decision quickly. To ensure timely payments, he instructed that salaries be disbursed through the Green Channel mechanism.
Focus on Panchayat Raj and Development
The Chief Minister reviewed the performance of the Panchayat Raj and Rural Development departments. He urged officials to focus on executing their responsibilities efficiently to improve rural governance and development.
Clearing MGNREGS Payments
Revanth Reddy also emphasized the need to clear pending bills under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). He shared that approximately 1.26 lakh employment works have been completed since April last year and stressed the importance of settling outstanding payments without delays.
Proper Use of Central Funds
The Chief Minister directed officials to ensure that funds released by the central government for panchayat development are utilized effectively. He also asked them to expedite the release of funds under schemes like MGNREGS and the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana before the end of the financial year.
Key Attendees
Prominent figures at the meeting included ministers Danasari Seethakka, Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, and Konda Surekha. Government advisors K. Keshav Rao and Vem Narender Reddy, former minister K. Jana Reddy, Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari, and other senior officials also participated.
This decision is expected to improve the financial stability of panchayat employees and enhance rural development efforts throughout Telangana.