Film actor Venkatesh and his brother, producer D Suresh Babu, recently visited Chief Minister Revanth Reddy at his residence in Hyderabad. This was the first meeting between Venkatesh and Revanth Reddy since Revanth Reddy became the Chief Minister of Telangana State.
Afterwards, former MLA and BRS leader Teegala Krishna Reddy also had a meeting with the Chief Minister at the Secretariat. During this meeting, Ministers Ponnam Prabhakar, Seethakka, Konda Surekha, Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy, and CM Advisor Vem Narender Reddy were present.
There are speculations that Teegala Krishna Reddy may soon join the Congress party. Previously representing the Maheshwaram Assembly constituency in Rangareddy district, Teegala Krishna Reddy was denied a ticket by the BRS party. Sabitha Indra Reddy was chosen instead and has been elected as an MLA for a second term from the same segment.
Additionally, Prof. Kodandaram, the president of Telangana Jana Samithi (TJS), and Amer Ali Khan, the Editor of Siasat Urdu News paper, who have been nominated as MLCs under the Governor quota, also met with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy at the Secretariat. They expressed their gratitude to the Chief Minister for their nominations as MLCs.