Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and several top leaders from Telangana are set to attend the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting in Belagavi, Karnataka, on Thursday. The meeting will focus on important political issues, including strategies to counter the BJP’s narrative around the Ambedkar 'insult' controversy. The CM is expected to provide key suggestions to the All India Congress Committee (AICC) leadership.
Party sources revealed that PCC President B Mahesh Kumar Goud, Ministers N Uttam Kumar Reddy, Damodara Rajanarsimha, MLC T Jeevan Reddy, and CWC member Ch Vamsichand Reddy will also participate in the meeting. They will travel to Karnataka on a special flight, with the session scheduled to take place in the afternoon.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister is expected to share his insights on strengthening the Congress at the national level. This includes addressing the Ambedkar ‘insult’ row and devising ways to counter the BJP’s narrative on this sensitive issue.
The two-day CWC meeting in Belagavi marks the 100th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi becoming the Congress president. A public rally, titled ‘Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, and Jai Samvidhan,’ will be held on December 27 as part of the event. Dubbed the ‘New Satyagraha Meeting,’ this gathering will also focus on the Congress party’s long-term plans and strategies for 2025.