Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy challenged former CM K Chandrasekhar Rao to provide details of 200 farmers who allegedly committed suicide during the 100 days of Congress government. Reddy promised compensation if the cases are proven to be genuine. He also visited Rajiv Gandhi grounds at Tukkuguda to inspect arrangements for the upcoming public meeting ‘Jana Jatara’ sabha.
Reddy denied BRS’s claims that ‘Rythu Bandhu’ funds were not credited to farmers’ accounts. He stated that money had been transferred to 65 lakh farmers, with the remaining four lakh to receive their funds after the LS elections. Reddy criticized BRS for taking 10 months to transfer the money, contrasting it with the swift action taken by his government before the Election Code came into effect.
Reddy took a dig at KCR, suggesting that the former CM was only active because of the looming Lok Sabha elections. He criticized KCR for not being available to the public and accused him of only emerging from his “farmhouse” when elections were near. Reddy blamed the drought-like situation in the state on insufficient rainfall during BRS’s tenure.
The CM accused the previous government of causing the water shortage and suggested that they could have used funds from their party’s account to alleviate the situation. Reddy dismissed BRS’s prediction that Congress would not win more than 40 seats in the LS polls, attributing it to their desire for the BJP to win.