Hyderabad: As part of the Telangana Decade Celebrations, the Haritotsavam (Green Festival) is being organized on Monday. As part of this, Chief Minister KCR planted saplings in the Urban Parks of Tummalluru in Maheshwaram Mandal of Rangareddy district. The program was attended by Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy, MP Ranjith Reddy, Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari, CM’s Secretary Bhupal Reddy, CM OSD Priyanka Varghese, PCCF RM Dobriyal, Collector Harish, and CP Satyanarayana.
Meanwhile, the Forest Department officials are preparing guidelines to plant 25 varieties of crops on 25 acres of land. So far, a total of 40 varieties of crops have been planted and are currently being maintained by the Forest Department.