Leaders from various parties in Maharashtra who recently traveled to Telangana to meet Chief Minister KCR will have the opportunity to meet him again this month. On Monday morning, they will travel from Hyderabad to Solapur via road. The leaders, including ministers, MLAs, and MLCs, will stay there overnight and return by bus the next day. It is reported that these leaders from Maharashtra who traveled from Telangana have expressed their desire to meet CM KCR and discuss various issues.
On Tuesday morning, they will visit Pandharpur in Solapur district and perform special prayers at the Vithoba Temple. Solapur district chief Bhagirath Balkhe and other leaders will also accompany CM KCR during his visit. After that, they will return to Hyderabad. The leaders were informed that they would return to Hyderabad via the same road.
సోలాపూర్లో పండరిపూర్కు చేరుకొని అక్కడి విఠోభారుక్మిణి మందిర్లో ప్రత్యేక పూజలు నిర్వహించనున్న తరువాత హైదరాబాద్కు అదే రోడ్డుమార్గాన చేరుకుంటారని తెలిపాయి.