Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy honored popular playback singer Rahul Sipligunj during a grand musical night held at the HMDA grounds on NTR Marg. The event took place on Sunday night and was attended by several prominent figures, including Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar, Ministers Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, Jupalli Krishna Rao, and Ponnam Prabhakar, PCC president Mahesh Kumar Goud, and Mayor Gadwala Vijayalakshmi.
During the event, Rahul Sipligunj gave an electrifying performance, entertaining the crowd with his popular songs. As the Ministers came on stage to honor him with shawls, the singer invited the Chief Minister to join them. Rahul expressed that receiving blessings from the CM would be a “once in a lifetime achievement” for him.
In response, Revanth Reddy came on stage along with the Speaker and PCC president to felicitate the singer. The event was a memorable experience for music lovers, as Rahul performed a mix of his chart-topping hits, leaving the audience thrilled and energized.