Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has started preparing for the upcoming local body elections by hinting at the revival of ‘Operation Akarshana.’ This plan aims to strengthen the party by attracting leaders from other political groups. During a New Year gathering at his residence, several Congress leaders, ministers, and MLAs met with the Chief Minister to extend their greetings. At the meeting, he gave them clear instructions to stay focused on the elections and be ready for new members joining the party.
The Chief Minister advised his party members to avoid internal conflicts and work together with better coordination. He emphasized the importance of the local body elections and urged them to put aside group politics for the greater good of the party.
Revanth Reddy also reminded the leaders that their performance is being closely monitored, referring to their “progress reports.” He encouraged them to actively counter any negative campaigns against the government and remain calm and logical when dealing with issues in their constituencies.
Additionally, he asked legislators to pay attention to the concerns of party workers and listen to their grievances. By addressing these issues, he believes the party can work more effectively and improve its chances in the upcoming elections.