Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of Hyderabad has announced that the government is committed to making 2024 the year of the farmers, women, and youth. In his New Year’s message, he expressed gratitude for the cooperation of the people in establishing a government that values their participation. He assured the public that democracy has been restored, and the government has already started implementing some of its promises, with the rest to be fulfilled in the coming year.
Revanth Reddy emphasized that the government’s top priority is the future of the youth. They are planning to improve the education system and provide advanced technical knowledge to young people. The government is determined to keep its promises and meet the expectations of the people.
The Chief Minister also mentioned that they are reorganizing the administration to better serve the aspirations of the people. They have initiated the “Prajavani” program at Praja Bhavan to ensure transparency and accountability. The government has released white papers on finance and power sectors, and soon they will release another one on corruption in the irrigation sector. They are working towards fulfilling long-awaited demands such as ration cards, pensions, and house-sites for eligible individuals.
Revanth Reddy reassured the public that the government is accessible and available to every citizen at all times. He highlighted that mischievous individuals spreading false campaigns should not be trusted. The government is dedicated to serving the people and resolving their problems. They have introduced insurance coverage for auto workers and unorganized workers, and they are committed to finding solutions to challenges faced by journalists.
Overall, the Chief Minister’s message focused on the government’s commitment to the welfare of farmers, women, and youth. They aim to improve education, address corruption, and fulfill long-standing demands of the people. The government is accessible and working towards creating a better future for all citizens.