State Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy kicked off the CM Cup-23 sports competition on Monday in Nizamabad. The competition is being held for the first time in the state and aims to uncover hidden talent among sportspersons in rural areas. The Minister was joined by other dignitaries, including RTC Chairman Bajireddy Govardhan and ZP Chairman Dadannagari Vitthalrao, in unfurling the sports flag. The district level competitions have begun, and the Minister encouraged all athletes to work together and show sportsmanship spirit. Volleyball, kho-kho, kabaddi, and archery players were introduced during the event.
The Minister emphasized that Chief Minister KCR is focused on rural development, and sports grounds have been set up in every village panchayat and urban ward for rural sportspersons. He urged rural students and youth to take advantage of these opportunities and excel in sports. The Minister also recognized Malawat Purna, Nikhat Zareen, Yendala Soundarya, Gugulot Soumya, Husamuddin, Ishasingh, and many other district sportspersons who are excelling at the national and international level. He called upon them to inspire others to reach their potential in sports.