Hyderabad is gearing up for the grand unveiling of the 125-foot statue of Dr. BR Ambedkar near Hussein Sagar. In light of this momentous occasion, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) has announced that several parks and establishments in the area will remain closed on April 14.
According to a press release issued by the HMDA on Wednesday, NTR Gardens, Lumbini Park, NTR Ghat, Pitstop, Jalavihar, Sanjeeviah Park, and Amogham restaurant will be closed on April 14. This decision has been taken to ensure the smooth functioning of the unveiling ceremony and to avoid any inconvenience to visitors.
The statue of Dr. BR Ambedkar is a symbol of his contribution to the Indian Constitution and his tireless efforts towards social justice. The unveiling ceremony is expected to be attended by a large number of people, including political leaders, social activists, and members of the public.
The closure of these establishments is a necessary step to ensure the safety and security of visitors during the event. The HMDA has requested the public to cooperate with the authorities and follow all the necessary guidelines to make the event a success.
In conclusion, the unveiling of the statue of Dr. BR Ambedkar is an important event for Hyderabad and the country as a whole. The closure of these establishments is a small sacrifice to make for the sake of the larger cause. Let us all come together to celebrate this momentous occasion and pay our respects to one of India’s greatest leaders.