In Hyderabad, the Kapra Lake Revival Group and Fenko Matt teamed up to clean up Kapra Lake over a two-day marathon. Volunteers worked hard over the weekend to remove trash and plastic waste from the lake. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this, as they have organized cleanup drives before. The group started with just ten members eight years ago, but now they had around 175 individuals helping out in this recent cleanup. Various organizations like Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad Cycling Revolution, Relief Riders, and others also supported the cleanup effort.
The main goal of the cleanup is to save the lake. The group wants to draw attention to the State government to start restoring the lake. According to a member of the Kapra Lake Revival Group, the lake used to be 113 acres but has shrunk to just 30 acres due to encroachment. Local residents of Kapra are unhappy about the lake’s current state.
Through symbolic efforts, volunteers are trying to urge the government to take action and restore the lake to its former glory.