Hyderabad celebrated Ram Navami with thousands of devotees gathering at various temples across the city. The Sita Ramachandra Swamy temple in Sitarambagh, the Hare Krishna Golden Temple in Banjara Hills, and the Sri Ramachandra Swamy Temple in Banjara Hills were some of the places where devotees participated in ceremonies and sought blessings from Lord Ram and Mata Sita.
The highlight of the celebration was the grand Shobha Yatra that started from the Seetarambagh temple and ended at the Hanuman Vyayamashala grounds. The procession, organized by the Bhagyanagar Sri Rama Navami Utsav Committee, featured colourful tableaux with idols of Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, and Laxman on truck beds. Along the 6.5 km route through various lanes, devotees were provided with water, food, and prasadam.
Voluntary organizations along the procession route welcomed the Shobha Yatra by distributing drinks and snacks to participants. The police ensured tight security with the presence of Rapid Action Force, Commissioner’s Task Force, City Armed Reserve platoons, and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) at all religious sites and sensitive locations in the city.