Efforts to ease the immersion of Ganesh idols in Hyderabad’s lakes by setting up portable and baby ponds have raised concerns about the long-term preservation of these water bodies. While residents are rallying to protect the lakes, there is a lack of awareness and trust between the government and citizens, which is casting doubt on the effectiveness of the initiative.
Madhulika Choudary, who takes care of Neknampur Lake, explains that the baby ponds created for Ganesh immersion are not enough to meet the city’s needs. The lakes are important for various festivals and rituals throughout the year, and the water from the baby ponds eventually drains back into the lakes, causing challenges and offering little long-term benefit.
The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) must focus on safeguarding the baby ponds from contaminating the lake waters, as failure to do so undermines their conservation efforts and poses a threat to aquatic biodiversity. It is crucial to prevent polluted water from returning to the lakes after immersion.
Madhulika Choudary also highlights that while some proactive steps have been taken at Neknampur Lake to prevent the return of polluted water, this is not the case for other lakes where immersion ponds are integrated into the lake itself. There is a significant trust deficit between citizens and the government regarding lake conservation, and the introduction of baby ponds seems to worsen pollution and contamination.
Despite the construction of baby ponds, many residents still prefer to immerse idols in lakes, leading to further pollution and contamination. There is a lack of effective monitoring by officials, with various types of idols being immersed in these ponds. Public awareness is also lacking, but residents believe that moving forward with the idea of baby ponds is necessary, although efforts are being made to preserve the lakes to the best of their ability.