Union Minister of State for Home Bandi Sanjay Kumar met BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh at his residence in Delhi on Friday. Chugh expressed hope that Bandi Sanjay would bring good name to the department and work for the betterment of the people. He praised Bandi Sanjay for expanding the party in Telangana State.
During their meeting, the leaders discussed the condition of the BJP in the state and the issues needed to further strengthen the party. Chugh was happy that the BJP won 8 parliamentary seats in Telangana and received over 35 percent of the votes. He attributed this success to the development and welfare schemes initiated by the Narendra Modi government.
Chugh also criticized the Congress party, mentioning that it lost credibility just five months after coming to power. He stated that the results of the parliamentary elections show the frustration and anger of the people towards the ruling party. The Congress party, which made promises during the Assembly elections, is failing to fulfill them, betraying the people of Telangana.
According to Chugh, the failure of BRS in the State demonstrates that BJP is the only alternative to the Congress party. This was further evidenced by the Lok Sabha election results.