The girls of Chocolate Kids School in Karimnagar, India set a new world record on Friday. They recited the Preamble of the Constitution of India in just 48 minutes and 42 seconds. The Preamble is important because it represents India’s civil rights, heritage, and freedom. This rare record was achieved by 40 young children between the ages of 4 and 7 years old.
The International Wonder Book of Records India co-ordinator Bingi Narendra Goud and State co-ordinator Gangadhar announced that this was a world record. It was very special because these very young children were able to recite the Preamble of the Constitution written by Ambedkar.
The school’s principal, Sri Vidya, said that they focus on more than just education. They also help children develop mentally and physically through subjects like Constitution, G.K., Bhagavad Gita, and Karate.
Harish Kumar, Murali, Ashok Samrat, Karthik Satish, Anil, Sai, Aravind teachers Nagalakshmi, Ravali, Afrin participated in this programme.