The Railway Protection Force (RPF) Secunderabad Division worked with an NGO called BachpanBachaoAndolan to save eight children who were being trafficked and catch four traffickers on Friday. They did this because of information they got from the RPF’s Cyber Cell. The operation happened on Thursday when RPF officials were on Train No.12724 Telangana Express, which goes through the Secunderabad Division. The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of RPF Secunderabad Division did raids on suspected coaches on the train and found the traffickers.
The RPF Secunderabad Division is working hard to stop human trafficking. They are doing this by having more people at railway stations, putting CCTV cameras in, and telling people about the dangers of human trafficking. This year alone, they have saved 151 children and caught 69 traffickers.
Recently, the RPF has been trying even harder to stop the transportation of people who are being trafficked for forced labour and sexual exploitation. This is especially important for women and children, said a senior officer from SCR.