Hyderabad: Goa Chief Minister Pramod Swant flagged off the ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra’ of Bhagya Lakshmi cluster in Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri on Tuesday. During the event, he criticized the BRS and Congress for not fulfilling their promises. The BRS promised ‘nillu, nidhulu, niyamakalu’ but didn’t follow through. The Congress, which came to power in Telangana with six guarantees, also failed to deliver on their electoral promises.
Swant expressed gratitude to the people for doubling the BJP’s vote share to 14% in the Assembly elections and electing more party MLAs. He highlighted the development and welfare schemes implemented under PM Modi’s leadership in the last 10 years. Swant mentioned that the country’s economy has improved significantly, becoming the world’s fifth economic power and on track to become the third largest economy. He urged people to support the party to bring Modi back as PM for a third term.