Home Hyderabad Chief Justice Alok Aradhe says goodbye to Telangana High Court

Chief Justice Alok Aradhe says goodbye to Telangana High Court

Chief Justice Alok Aradhe says goodbye to Telangana High Court

Hyderabad: On Monday afternoon, the Telangana High Court (THC) and the High Court Advocates’ Association organized a farewell ceremony for Chief Justice Alok Aradhe. The event was held as he prepares to take on his new role as the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court.

During his farewell speech, Chief Justice Aradhe expressed his gratitude to the judges, advocates, and staff for their unwavering support during his tenure. He also spoke about the rich traditions upheld by the Telangana High Court and shared how his time there had been a valuable and enriching experience.


Advocate-General A Sudarshan Reddy praised Chief Justice Aradhe’s contributions and highlighted his dedicated service to the judiciary. The farewell marked a heartfelt moment of appreciation for the outgoing Chief Justice.



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