Former Telangana Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar has been chosen as Chief Adviser to Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Kumar, who retired in 2020, will hold this position for three years as a Cabinet minister. He has helped implement many welfare and development programs envisioned by KCR, and was responsible for revenue generation for the state and the implementation of the Dharani portal during his time as CS.
Kumar, who was appointed as CS in December 2019, had to step down in January 2021 after the Telangana High Court ordered him to be relieved and sent to Andhra Pradesh. The court allowed a writ petition filed by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) that challenged the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) order that assigned Kumar to Telangana following the AP bifurcation. After being relieved of his duties in Telangana, he applied for VRS and was recently relieved by the AP government.