In Charla, Bhadrachalam, police officers distributed mosquito nets to 40 families in Korkat Padu village. This distribution was ordered by District SP Rohit Raju IPS and carried out under the direction of Charla CI Raju Verma. The village is a Maoist-affected area, so police conducted a cordon and search operation before distributing the nets to the families.
The police inspected every house in the village and then met with all the villagers to distribute the mosquito nets. The CI mentioned that this distribution was important due to the possibility of outbreaks of toxic fevers like dengue and malaria during the rainy season in agency areas. Villagers were also advised to inform the police about any new people entering the village and not to assist banned Maoists.
CI Raju Verma, along with SSI Narsireddy and CRPF Special Party personnel, participated in the distribution program.