BJP Huzurabad MLA Eatala Rajender responded to Congress MP A Revanth Reddy’s challenge to take a vow at Bhagyalakshmi temple on allegations of his support of Rs 25 crore to Congress from BRS chief and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Eatala clarified that his remarks about BRS providing Rs 25 crore to Congress during the Munugodu assembly by-election were made in response to a question asked in a media conference. He also criticized the context in which his comments were being twisted and denied saying that Revanth Reddy was not fighting against CM KCR.
BJP national vice-president D K Aruna lashed out at Congress leaders for making baseless charges against Eatala and urged Revanth Reddy to take a vow at the Bhagyalakshmi temple that he was not involved in the vote for note case. Meanwhile, Congress leaders are being accused of following Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s script.
BJP senior leader Marri Shashidhar Reddy condemned Congress leader’s statements against Eatala and suggested that Revanth Reddy should go to Delhi to learn about the alleged dark truce between BRS and Congress.