District Collector Uday Kumar announced that two senior IAS officers have been assigned by the Central Election Commission as counting observers for the Nagar Kurnool parliamentary constituency. The counting is scheduled to take place on June 4.
Upon their arrival at the Nagar Kurnool Collectorate on Sunday, Collector Uday Kumar greeted the counting observers with flowers. The observers were then required to meet with the Collector to discuss details regarding the counting process and the allocation of election staff.
Satpal Sharma, a 2002 Haryana State Civil Service Officer, is overseeing the counting process for the Wanaparthi, Gadwala, and Allampur constituencies.
2009 batch IAS officer Ruches Jaivanshi has been appointed as the counting observer for the Nagar Kurnool, Kalwakurti, Acchampeta, and Kolhapur assembly constituencies in Maharashtra.
The observers conducted online checks to verify the details of the counting staff assigned to each constituency. The counting staff carried out a second round of randomization on Monday under the supervision of the counting observers.
The program was attended by Wanaparthi Additional Collector Sanchit Gangwar, Collectorate AO Chandrasekhar, and Election Division Superintendent Zakir Ali.