The Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Jayantyutsavam festival has started in Yadagirigutta with great celebration. The festival will last for three days until Thursday. The temple authorities have made all the arrangements for the festival.
The festivities began on Tuesday at 9:30 am with Swastivachanam, Vishwaksena Puja, and Punyahavachanam. Priests and officials participated in these programmes. At 6 pm, Ankurarpana, Rutvigvaranam, and Havanam were performed as part of the Jayantyutsavaalu, and Paravasudeva Alankara Seva was organised on the Garuda Vahanam. However, Sudarshan Narasimhahoman, Nitya, and Shwata Thiru Kalyanotsavam are temporarily suspended from May 2 to May 4.
A yagashala was arranged in the Prakara Mandapam outside the North Rajagopuram in the main temple. On May 3, at 9 am, Swami will be taken out through Tiru Mada streets as part of Kaliya Marthana Alankara Seva and Nithya Moola Mantra Havanam. At 10:30 am, Laksha Pusparchana will be held. At 6 pm, there will be a decoration of Rama avatar on the Hanuman vahanam, and Nrisimha Moolamantra Havanam will take place. Mulamastri havanam will be held on May at 7 am, Sahasra Kalasabhishekam after Purnahuti from 9 am to 9.30 am.
Overall, the festival is expected to be a grand celebration that lasts for three days.