Hyderabad: The Audit Week celebrations, happening from November 20 to 24, saw the finals of the quiz competition taking place on Thursday at the AGs Offices Complex in Hyderabad. The event was inaugurated by Dr Tamilsai Soundararajan, the Governor of Telangana and Lt Governor of Puducherry. The quiz included questions about the history of IA and AD, as well as general awareness. The audience also got to participate and enjoy a cultural evening, which included several skits that received a great response from the audience.
In addition to the quiz competition, a health camp was organized and inaugurated by MS Subrahmanyam, the Director General. The officials who attended the camp expressed their gratitude for the awareness created about health and fitness. A blood donation camp was also held, which saw a total of 81 units of blood being collected. The blood donation camp was inaugurated by A Paventhan, the Director.