The Telangana police department has opened new centres to help women and children in need. These centres are called the Centre for Development and Empowerment of Women (CDEW) and are located at Alwal, Petbasheerabad, and Jeedimetla police stations in Cyberabad. The CDEW centres offer support and guidance for families dealing with disputes. The Cyberabad Police Commissioner, Stephen Ravindra, inaugurated these centres on Monday as part of the “Safe City Project”.
The Commissioner of Police emphasised the importance of the CDEW centres in addressing family-related issues. He believes that these centres will help resolve cases concerning the safety of women and children. The CDEW centres will provide counselling sessions to prevent separations and facilitate productive resolutions for those seeking assistance amidst family conflicts. Two seasoned counsellors will staff each CDEW centre to guide and support those in need.
As part of this initiative, an audiovisual (AV) vehicle has been launched to raise awareness about women’s issues and child safety. Plans are underway to establish CDEW centres in Moinabad, Rajendranagar, Shamshabad, and RC puram police stations.
The Cyberabad Police are committed to the welfare of the community. Women and Children Safety Wing DCP Nithika Pant, Medchal Traffic DCP DV Srinivasa Rao, Petbasheerabad ACP Ramalingaraju, Medchal Law and Order ACP Venkat Reddy, Medchal Traffic ACP Venkat Reddy, and various inspectors and staff members from diverse police stations were present at the inauguration of these centres.