The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has cleared Agriculture Minister and Sarvepalli MLA Kakani Govardhan Reddy of any involvement in the case of missing files from a courtroom in Nellore. The CBI recently filed a chargesheet stating that Kakani had no role in the disappearance of the documents.
The case was registered by the Nellore police based on a complaint from the staff of the IV Additional Judicial Magistrate Court. The complaint stated that the main door locks of the court were broken and a bag containing a laptop, mobile phones, and important documents related to a criminal case filed against Govardhan Reddy and three others was missing.
The Andhra Pradesh High Court directed the CBI to take over the investigation from the local police. After a year-long investigation, the CBI filed a chargesheet and questioned 88 witnesses. The agency dismissed the allegations made by TDP leader Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy and stated that Minister Kakani had no connection to the accused.
During the initial stages of the investigation, the Nellore police detained two suspects and recovered electronic devices from their possession.
Minister Kakani Govardhan Reddy responded to the clean chit, stating that he had requested the CBI to investigate the allegations against him. He accused Chandrababu Naidu and his media outlets of spreading propaganda and challenged Naidu to face a CBI inquiry into any allegations against him. Reddy also accused Naidu of corruption and urged him to seek a CBI investigation into the accusations.