The CBI has asked Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy to appear before them on May 19 in relation to the murder case of former Andhra Pradesh minister YS Vivekananda Reddy. Avinash Reddy had failed to comply with an earlier notice and requested a four-day extension due to commitments in his constituency. He has already been interrogated by the CBI on four occasions and had approached the Telangana High Court last month seeking anticipatory bail. The High Court adjourned the hearing to June 5. The latest notice directs Avinash Reddy to appear at the CBI’s regional office in Hyderabad at 11 am on May 19.
Avinash Reddy’s father, YS Bhaskar Reddy, has already been arrested by the CBI. The agency had alleged that Bhaskar Reddy, Avinash Reddy, and their associate Devireddy Shiva Shankar Reddy conspired to murder Vivekananda Reddy. Avinash Reddy has denied the allegations against him and his father and alleged that the CBI ignored several key facts in the case.