Mock polling exercises were conducted in Secunderabad Cantonment on Monday to prepare for the upcoming bypolls and general elections on May 13. The purpose of these exercises is to test the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines. Polling officials, observers, and political party representatives were present during the mock polling to ensure transparency.
The ongoing mock polling is aimed at evaluating the functionality of the EVMs and VVPAT machines. This process is essential in ensuring that the voting machines are working properly and accurately recording votes. By conducting these exercises, election officials can identify any potential issues and address them before the actual elections take place.
The presence of polling officials, observers, and political party representatives during the mock polling ensures that the process is conducted in a transparent manner. This helps build trust among voters and ensures that the elections are free and fair. Conducting these exercises also allows election officials to familiarize themselves with the voting machines and troubleshoot any problems that may arise on election day.