Home Telangana Candidates are advised to download hall tickets for the upcoming DSC exams.

Candidates are advised to download hall tickets for the upcoming DSC exams.

Candidates are advised to download hall tickets for the upcoming DSC exams.

The director of the School Education Department in Hyderabad has advised candidates taking the upcoming DSC exams to download their hall tickets quickly. The exams will be held online for the first time from July 18 to August 5.

There have been protests by candidates in Hyderabad and other parts of the State asking for the exams to be postponed. However, officials say the exams will go ahead as scheduled.


A total of 2,79,996 candidates have applied for 11,062 teaching positions in Telangana. Candidates are encouraged to download their hall tickets early to avoid any problems.

The School Education department is reminding all DSC candidates to be ready for the online exam and to check the official website for updates and instructions.



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