Tarnaka, a neighborhood in Hyderabad, India, is prone to heavy flooding during the rainy season. Politicians and officials make promises to find permanent solutions, but they never follow through. Last year, GHMC promised to desilt the nalas and expand the capacity of stormwater drains, but nothing happened.
Residents have made multiple appeals to Deputy Mayor Mothe Srilatha Shoban Reddy, who lives in Tarnaka, but no action has been taken. Stormwater drains in the area are not maintained, causing heavy waterlogging and flooding, even inside homes. The lack of proper inlet and outlets worsens the problem, and boats have been used to bring supplies like milk and water.
Water flows from upstream colonies like Nacharam and accumulates in Tarnaka’s low-lying areas. Desilting works should have started in April, but nothing has been done yet. Residents fear they will have to wade through rainwater mixed with sewage water once again this monsoon.
Residents of Gokul Nagar are particularly affected, as their requests to GHMC have been ignored. They struggle to pump out rainwater on their own and receive no help from anyone.