The District Superintendent of Police in Nalgonda, Apurva Rao, recently announced that special drives will be conducted every day across the district to promote traffic safety measures. In a media briefing on Saturday, Rao shared that since March 1, a total of 10,287 cases had been registered for various traffic violations. These included wrong driving, no helmet, triple driving, over speed, wrong parking, cell phone driving, driving without seat belts, and driving under the influence of alcohol, among others.
Out of these cases, 5,647 two-wheelers, 636 three-wheelers, 3,667 four-wheelers, 37 lorries, and 300 other vehicles were booked. The authorities imposed a fine of Rs 4,33,660 on the violators. The SP emphasized that the special drives were aimed at ensuring the safety of the public on the roads and to discourage drunk driving.
Motorists were urged to carry all proper documents while driving. Additionally, parents would also be held accountable if minors are caught driving. Strict action would be taken against those who consume alcohol in public places. Rao called upon the public and motorists to cooperate with the police by duly following the rules so as to maintain a safe environment for all.