Home Hyderabad Calls to run more MMTS trains to Charlapalli increase

Calls to run more MMTS trains to Charlapalli increase

Calls to run more MMTS trains to Charlapalli increase

Demand for More MMTS Trains to Charlapalli Grows

With special trains now operating from Charlapalli Terminal Station, there is a rising demand for more MMTS (Multi-Modal Transport System) trains. On Monday, the Travellers Association submitted a request to South Central Railway, asking for additional MMTS services from different parts of the city to Charlapalli.

Passengers have been facing difficulties reaching Charlapalli Railway Station due to poor road connectivity. Many rely on private cab services, but they often experience long booking delays and frequent cancellations by drivers. Commuters believe that better train connectivity would make travel easier.

The Travellers Association has suggested introducing MMTS trains from Lingampalli, Umdanagar/Falaknuma (via Malkajgiri), and Medchal (via Dayanandnagar) to Charlapalli. They also emphasized the urgent need for MMTS services between Charlapalli and Secunderabad. These trains would help passengers reach their destinations more conveniently.

The association pointed out that with redevelopment work happening at Secunderabad Railway Station, many trains need to be diverted to avoid congestion. Running more trains to and from Charlapalli would help reduce overcrowding at Secunderabad.

Noor, a member of the Zonal Railway Users’ Consultative Committee (ZRUCC), stated that they have been advising railway authorities to introduce MMTS services to Charlapalli from different parts of the city. He suggested that running these trains, especially during peak hours, would help passengers catch long-distance trains that start from Charlapalli.



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