The BJP in Telangana is facing questions about its political activities and whether they are gaining public attention like their earlier Praja Sangrama Yatra. Some party members are confused about the party’s plans for the upcoming elections. The Praja Sangrama Yatra had gained popularity, but it was suddenly discontinued after the fifth phase, causing a lull in the party’s activities.
The yatra was meant to become a bus tour in the sixth phase, but this plan was cancelled for unknown reasons. The party has since replaced it with other activities. The yatra had been successful in rural areas where the BJP was previously not popular.
The Telangana BJP has been protesting on various issues to challenge the ruling BRS and remain an alternative to them in the eyes of the people. They recently organized the Nirudyoga March to protest against the leakage of TSPSC question papers and demand justice for 30 lakh unemployed job aspirants. While the march is attracting good crowds, it remains to be seen whether it will have the same impact as the Praja Sangrama Yatra.
The party believes that their current approach of decentralized, organized, and step-by-step activities will allow them to reach more people. They are also conducting a month-long Maha Jana Sampark Abhiyan to meet people at the assembly constituency level. The party claims that they are steadily improving their presence in areas where they were previously not known, such as Khammam.
Overall, the party believes that their activities are succeeding at the micro-level, even if outsiders perceive them to have slowed down compared to other parties.