The first Telangana Cabinet meeting was held in the newly-inaugurated B R Ambedkar Sachivalaya. The Cabinet made important decisions, such as giving financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh to traditional artisans like Nayee Brahmins, Vishwa Brahmins, Rajaka and Kummari. The Cabinet also scrapped the controversial GO No 111, which will allow 84 villages around GHMC to sell their lands at market value. Water resources like Himayat Sagar and Gandipet will be protected by developing STPS and linked to Kaleshwaram project. VRAs will have their services regularised and be deputed in Irrigation, Municipal Administration and Revenue wings. The Cabinet approved the creation of DMHO posts in all 32 districts and sanctioned 6 new DMHO posts to strengthen medical facilities in Hyderabad. The government will also purchase Jowar and Maize from farmers with minimum support price and conduct 21-day state formation day celebrations on a grand scale.