The departments under Minorities Welfare in Telangana are facing a fund crunch with less than a week left for the budget session. Officials at TS Minorities Finance Corporation, TS Urdu Academy, and TS Waqf Board are uncertain about implementing schemes this year.
Most of these departments are located in the Haj House in Nampally, which is now quiet compared to the busy period during the Haj season. While other departments are preparing for the budget session with review meetings, officials in the Haj House have not yet started initial meetings to discuss budget proposals due to lack of funds.
In February, the State government allocated Rs 2,262 crore in the Vote on Account budget, but concerns remain about the implementation of various schemes. The Minorities Finance Corporation and Waqf Board have not convened meetings to discuss their respective schemes, with the latter focused on resolving pending court cases.
There is growing concern among Minority groups, especially Muslims, about the lack of representation in political and administrative positions. Activists are planning a round table conference before the budget session to demand practical budget allocations for underprivileged communities. Sanaullah Khan of SC,ST,BC Muslim Front expressed disappointment in the current government’s approach.
Young social activists like Shaik Salauddin criticized the government for neglecting Gig and Platform Workers despite promises made during the election campaign. S Q Masood from ASEEM highlighted the lack of involvement of civil society groups in pre-budget consultations by departments like Finance Corporation. Masood also mentioned previous promises made by politicians regarding minority empowerment.