The BRS leaders in Hyderabad received positive feedback from party members. They have analyzed their mistakes and made plans to win the Lok Sabha elections. Former minister S Niranjan Reddy spoke at a press conference, along with other party leaders, and mentioned that they held 17 preparatory meetings where activists and leaders gave their suggestions. They reviewed these suggestions for 125 hours over 16 working days. The feedback showed that people have not completely rejected the BRS, as they lost by only 1.85% or 4 lakh votes.
Niranjan Reddy also addressed the attacks on BRS leaders by Congress party members in villages. He emphasized that those who have won in democracy should be more humble. He urged party candidates to participate actively in the upcoming parliamentary elections and mentioned that both the Congress and BJP are trying to block the BRS. He reminded everyone that the BRS is the only party that has consistently defeated the BJP.
Madhusudana Chary criticized Revanth Reddy’s comments about burying the BRS. He called Revanth Reddy an immature CM and criticized his behavior. Chary also found fault with Revanth Reddy for referring to KTR and Harish Rao as Ranga Billa.