Telangana Minister Harish Rao is confident that the TRS party will win the upcoming election, regardless of the opposition. He believes that the TRS manifesto will be so impressive that it will intimidate the opposition. Harish Rao shared these thoughts while speaking at a gathering in Mancherial Padtanapalli Sabha, where he also criticized the BJP and Congress.
During his speech, Harish Rao praised the TRS government for their work, such as implementing welfare schemes like Asara pension and Rythu Bandhu. He firmly believes that the TRS will emerge victorious for the third time.
Harish Rao accused the Congress of inciting communal riots and making false promises to gain support. He referred to them as the “hand of Bhasmasura,” a mythological character known for causing destruction.
Additionally, Harish Rao targeted the BJP, predicting that they will not win any seats in Telangana. He criticized BJP President J.P. Nadda for not being able to secure a win in his own state. Harish Rao sarcastically suggested that the BJP should form a committee to save their deposit in elections, as their previous efforts to establish committees have failed.