The BRS party is planning a big farmers’ rally in Maharashtra with 12 lakh farmers, hoping to set a record recorded in the Limca Book of Records. This will be the fourth meeting in a series called ‘Ab ki Bar Kisan Sarkar,’ which is focused on farmers. The party has selected three cities for the rally, Nagpur, Sholapur, and Chandrapur, but Sholapur may be the chosen location due to a large number of Telugu people living there. Nizamabad leaders are responsible for coordinating with their Maharashtra counterparts to gather the crowd for the meeting, and the party will be sending campaign vehicles to all 288 Assembly constituencies in one day.
The BRS has also created campaign songs in Marathi and Hindi to attract voters, showcasing schemes like ‘Rythu Bandhu,’ ‘Rythu Bheema,’ 24-hour free power, and others. The party has tasked leaders with overseeing a membership drive to achieve targets of 1,000 active leaders and 50,000 primary members in each constituency. The BRS hopes to establish a base before the upcoming zilla parishad elections in Maharashtra.