BRS working president K T Rama Rao held an emergency meeting at Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad on Saturday. This was in response to reports that the Congress party was trying to lure away BRS Corporators before the Lok Sabha polls, with former MLA Mynampally Hanumantha Rao leading the effort. Some leaders have already left the BRS for Congress, including former Deputy Mayor Baba Fasiuddin.
Most of the Corporators attended the meeting, but Deputy Mayor Mothe Srilatha Shoban Reddy was absent. Her absence is seen as a sign of dissatisfaction with how the party leadership has been treating her family, especially after their failed attempt to meet former Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao.
During the meeting, KTR encouraged the party Corporators to stay strong and work towards strengthening the party in Hyderabad. He praised their efforts in the recent Assembly elections and criticized the present government for hindering GHMC’s functioning.
Corporators like Baba Fasiuddin believe that more than a dozen of them are waiting for the right time to join the Congress. They feel ignored and disrespected as BRS Corporators and claim that their pleas for help from KTR have gone unanswered.