The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) has accused the BJP-led government at the Centre of using the posts of governor as political tools. K.T. Rama Rao, the working president of BRS, expressed his disappointment with the situation, stating that non-BJP governed states have experienced a similar pattern of non-cooperation and vengefulness. He questioned whether this is the cooperative federalism model and team India spirit that will help the nation grow and prosper. The BRS leaders have targeted Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan for her delay in approving bills, with Krishank Manne, chairman of Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation, telling the governor that she cannot deceive the youth of Telangana. The Supreme Court was informed that the Governor has given her assent to three bills, while others are under active consideration. The state government has filed a writ petition with the Supreme Court, seeking to declare as illegal, irregular and unconstitutional the delay by the governor.