The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) is preparing for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections after their defeat in the Assembly elections. G Ranjith Reddy has been chosen as the party’s candidate for the Chevella Lok Sabha segment. The BRS working president, KT Rama Rao, has instructed party leaders to focus on winning this segment. He emphasized the importance of coordination with public representatives and party leaders during the campaign. KTR also defended the party’s contributions to Telangana’s development and welfare.
To discuss the strategy for the Lok Sabha elections, KTR called a meeting with party leaders from the Chevella Lok Sabha segment. This meeting took place at the Telangana Bhavan head office. The party wants to be fully prepared for the polls after their setback in the Assembly elections, where they won only 39 seats. Additionally, the party’s chief, K Chandrashekar Rao, had an accident and underwent hip replacement surgery, which will keep him out of public life for four more weeks.
While the party has already announced candidates for some segments, such as Karimnagar and Medak, there may be reconsiderations due to their defeat in the Assembly elections. A senior BRS leader stated that the party is uncertain about how many seats they can win in the upcoming elections, considering the rise of BJP in northern Telangana and Congress in southern Telangana.
Ranjith Reddy, the party’s chosen candidate for Chevella Lok Sabha, expressed confidence in winning with a large majority. He criticized the Congress party for failing to fulfill their promises made before the State elections. Ranjith Reddy also dismissed comments from Congress and BJP about the BRS losing support. He assured that the party will focus on the Assembly constituencies where they lost.
Various former ministers and leaders participated in the meeting, including P Mahender Reddy, Sabita Indra Reddy, Kale Yadaiah, Prakash Goud, Arikepudi Gandhi, K Maheshwar Reddy, and M Anand.