The leader of the BRS party, K Chandrashekar Rao, is focusing on expanding his party in states like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. However, party leaders are puzzled by his silence on Odisha and Karnataka, as there has been no mention or joining from those states. Some Odisha leaders had joined the party earlier this year, but there has been no further development from that state.
At a recent press conference, KCR mentioned that the party would be focusing on states like Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab, but did not mention Odisha. There are rumors that the party’s next focus will be on Chhattisgarh, where the Jogi Congress chief Amit Jogi may merge his party with BRS.
Party sources have said that while leaders from Maharashtra were brought in special planes and lodged in Haritha Plaza at Begumpet, there have been no appointments given to leaders from Odisha. When asked about this, a senior leader said that the party had supported JDS in Karnataka and therefore was not focusing on that state. However, he refused to comment on Odisha.