The Monsoon Sessions of Parliament began on Thursday. Both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha adjourned till noon after paying tributes to the recently deceased Members of Parliament. In the Lok Sabha, the BRS party gave an adjournment motion on the Manipur riots, demanding that Prime Minister Modi make a statement on the violence.
KTR, a member of the BRS party, responded to the violence in Manipur through Twitter. He stated that BRS members will raise the issue in both houses of Parliament and demand a proper response from the Central government. KTR also called for severe punishment for those involved in parading two women naked in Manipur.
Floor leaders and MPs of the BRS party in both houses of Parliament will raise the issue of Manipur violence. They are determined to ensure that the Union Government takes decisive action. They also emphasize the need for swift punishment for the perpetrators according to the law.