Hyderabad: In assistance of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s choice to rebuild the prominent Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy holy place, Bharat Rashtra Samithi MP and also Green India Challenge head J Santosh Kumar revealed to take on over 1000-acre woodland in the Kondagattu location to enhance eco-friendly cover.
Santosh stated that the ranch program will certainly be introduced on KCR’s birthday onFriday He stated, “CM aspires for a Telangana that radiates green and spiritual auras along with development in all fields.” In the very first installation, he stated that a hacienda of 1000 acres will certainly be occupied at the price of Rs one crore. The staying jobs will certainly be finished in installations. The MP stated that he has had a solid link with Kondagattu from his childhood years, as he checked out that location a number of times withCM KCR